Physical Education Credit Option
To earn a high school diploma, students must earn two health and fitness credits. 1.5 credits represent the fitness portion of the requirement, and are met by course work in physical education (PE). The other .5 credit is met by taking a health course.
Lake Washington School District recognizes the importance of the development of healthy habits that include physical fitness and emotional well-being and provides a variety of classes to fulfill the 1.5 credit fitness requirement. A full list of health and PE classes being offered is available on each school’s website.
There may be special circumstances where a student may have an alternative option to meet this requirement. Students must fill out the Appendix E of the graduation policy and have it approved by a principal or designee to be eligible for this option. The alternative Physical Education option is available for high school juniors and seniors.
Special Circumstances to Access these Alternative Options:
In accordance with RCW 28A.230.05, individual students may be excused from participating in physical education (PE) otherwise required on account of physical disability, employment, or religious belief, or because of participation in directed athletics or military science and tactics or for other good cause. Students must fill out Appendix E of the graduation policy and list the special circumstance that applies.
2024-25 Fitness assessment
The Fitness Assessment will be offered to students beginning in the students’ 11th grade school year. The Fitness Assessment is a multiple-choice assessment.
Step 1: Appendix E
Step 2: Register
Please register below for the Fitness Assessment. You will receive additional registration information (e.g., testing room number) approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the test date via email. Registration closes two weeks before each test date.
Attach completed and approved Appendix E form on registration form.
Registration is currently open:
Fitness Assessment testing registration
Step 3: Test day
Bring your student ID, fully charged LWSD laptop and laptop charger.
Step 4: Receive test results
Students will receive an email when scores have been submitted to Skyward approximately one week after testing.
Students may retest if proficiency is not met.
Contact Us
Stephanie Miller
Teaching & Learning Specialist
Health and Physical Education