Early Entrance to Kindergarten
The early entrance to kindergarten application window is closed. We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year.
General information
Please read the Early Entrance to Kindergarten FAQs before completing the application.
Please contact the Accelerated Programs office at AccPro@lwsd.org if you have questions about the early entrance to kindergarten process.
Application process & directions
The early entrance to kindergarten application window is closed. We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year.
Applications are being completed and submitted through the FinalForms platform.
Below are the directions to assist you in completing the application:
Step 1: Create an account if you do not already have a FinalForms account
- Go to: https://lakewashington-wa.finalforms.com/
- Locate the parent icon and click NEW ACCOUNT
NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder. If you are still unable to locate the FinalForms email, then email support@finalforms.com to inform them of the issue. -
Check the email for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from the FinalForms Mailman. Once received and opened, click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email test.
Create your new FinalForms password. Next, click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.
- Select the 2024-25 registration
- For the grade, enter P 4-5 2038
Step 2: Student Registration
- Click on REGISTER STUDENT or locate and click the ADD STUDENT button for your child.
- Type in the LEGAL NAME and other required information. Then, click CREATE STUDENT.
- Click the checkbox for Early Enrollment to Kindergarten, then click on UPDATE ACTIVITIES.
Once your account has been created, it is important to fill out ALL the forms and to electronically sign your name in the parent signature field at the bottom of each page (Be sure to sign your name exactly as you entered it into the system).
To register an additional child, click MY STUDENTS. Then, repeat the above steps for each additional child.
To update information, login at any time and click UPDATE FORMS to update information for any student. -
Below is a visual of what should be filled out, each line in RED must be clicked on to open. As each form is completed, that line will turn green.
When all forms are complete, you will see a “Forms Finished” message.
About each form
- Contact Information:
- Where it asks for grade select the option that Pre-school age 4-5.
- Where it asks for LWSD School Child will be attending if admitted, select your neighborhood school from the drop down menu. To find what school that would be, go to the transportation page and click on school & bus finder. Where it says Step 1: For Kindergarten, select "KD" from grade dropdown.
Once the contact information page has been completed be sure to sign at the bottom of the page and click on the Submit Form button.
- Birth Certificate/Passport: Upload candidate’s passport or birth certificate.
- Proof of Residency: Upload your 2 proofs of residency directly into Final Forms. Please check the list of acceptable Proof of Residency documents. Sign at the bottom of the webpage only when your LWSD accepted documents have been uploaded. Your application will be considered incomplete without the proper documentation being uploaded.
- Parent Questionnaire: Print and complete the questionnaire, then upload the documents to FinalForms. Only when the completed document has been uploaded should you sign at the bottom of the webpage and click on submit.
- EEK Payment Information**: All transactions are non-refundable. Sign and submit this form once the payment has been made.
**If you think you qualify for a reduced rate, please email AccPro@lwsd.org. You must have an older child who is already a registered student within LWSD who is currently receiving Free and Reduced benefit or be directly certified through the state. - Preschool/Daycare Questionnaire: Please print the Preschool/Daycare Questionnaire and give to your child’s preschool teacher/daycare provider to complete. The teacher will need to scan and return to AccPro@lwsd.org by March 15. Please touch base with your teacher to ensure that they submit prior to the close of the deadline. Questionnaires not received by March 15 will result in your students file being closed due to an incomplete application.
- Read through the Permission to Assess page to ensure that you have completed all the required steps. If you missed uploading any documents from the previous forms, you may upload them now per the directions listed on this formset page. Digitally sign the page at the bottom and be sure to click on the Submit Form button. Every line in the formset to the left should now be green.
- Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a call or email to sign up for an evaluation time slot.
Application timeline
Applications will be accepted February 1 - March 15 (11:59 p.m.).
Late and incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible. Please note that there is a translation option available on FinalForms.
Kindergarten Early Entrance results will be sent to parents within 2-6 weeks of the evaluation. If your child qualifies, results will be sent to your student’s neighborhood school. You will need to notify your neighborhood school within two weeks of receiving acceptance notification from our department of your decision regarding early entrance.
Appeals process
Early Entrance to Kindergarten assessment criteria are applied equitably to all applicants. Appeals for reconsideration of students who have not met the eligibility criteria are reviewed by the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee after notification of screening results and after notification of the Multidisciplinary Selection Committee placement decision.
- Appeals must be based upon a specific criteria related to the screening/testing conditions, or to a misapplication or miscalculation of the scores. Appeals outside of this criteria will not be processed. Examples of the criteria are as follows:
Examples of Appeals
(These are typically documented by the proctors)
Not Accepted for Appeals
A fire alarm went off during the test at my child's building.External factors such as lack of sleep, hunger, family stress, etc. are not considered. There was a building-wide power outage that interferes with the testing process. Parent, community member, and classroom teacher recommendations are not considered per state law. Computer student is testing on malfunctioned. Typical classroom activity and noise levels are to be expected during testing. An absolutely silent environment should not be expected. An incorrect date of birth/grade/name is reported on the score report. Family/teacher/student expectations do not align with the student's scores. Student self-report of the testing experience does not align with the outcome (student says they don't think they missed any questions). Requesting recalculation of scores based only on the fact that the student scores did not meet thresholds. My child was ill at the time of testing. I was not informed of the exact day and time my child would be taking the HiCap assessments. - Appeals must be submitted to the Accelerated Programs Office through this link within 10 calendar days of notification of results.
- The decision of the appeal from the Multi-Disciplinary Selection Committee (MSC) is final and will be emailed to appeal requestors.
- If you do not have access to a computer, please contact the Accelerated Programs office at 425-936-1238 or email AccPro@lwsd.org.