Assistive Technology
The LWSD Assistive Technology team aims to remove barriers to student learning and increase student independence.
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology (AT) is any piece of equipment or product that a student can use to increase, maintain or improve their functional capabilities.
Assistive Technology solutions are available to support students who need low, mid or high tech assistance:
Low Tech
AT tools that are readily available and easy to use and create. Examples of low tech tools include:
- Slant boards
- Manipulatives
- Picture symbols
Mid Tech
AT tools that may require a battery or power source and serve a single purpose. Examples of mid tech tools include:
- Alternative keyboards and mice
- Switches
- Read aloud tools
High Tech
Specialized AT tools that may not be readily available and are more complex to operate and use. Examples include:
- Speech recognition software
- AAC/Communication devices
The Continuum of Assistive Technology provides more tools that could be helpful in meeting student needs.
How can the Assistive Technology Team help my student?
The Assistive Technology Team will:
- Consider students' AT needs
- Recommend tools and strategies to support and improve student learning
- Select, fit, customize, maintain, repair or replace assistive technology tools
- Provide training and ongoing support for students, families and staff
- Provide professional development opportunities for staff
- Provide technical support and troubleshooting for AT tools
- Maintain current knowledge in best practice strategies, tools and services
- Disseminate AT information and resources
Previous parent training events and resources
Contact Us
General inquiry? Need help troubleshooting Assistive Technology?
If your child could benefit from Assistive Technology, work with your child's IEP case manager to begin the AT process.