School Emergency Phone Numbers
Emergency Phone Lines
The district's phone service is primarily over the Internet, which saves money. In an emergency, a standard land line must be available. When a school's normal phone service is interrupted, these land lines are used and may be called.
Important note: The phone numbers below normally operate as a facility's fax line and will only be used as a phone line when the normal phone service is interrupted.
For regular school phone numbers, please visit the Schools page to find a link to your school or download this PDF of school contact information.
Go to the Report a Facilities Issue page to report an after-hours emergency issue.
Elementary Schools
Alcott 425-836-8903
Audubon 425-882-3422
Bell 425-576-5089
Blackwell 425-868-0832
Carson 425-836-0834
Clara Barton 425-869-2122
Community 425-936-2398
Dickinson 425-836-4658
Discovery 425-814-0456
Einstein 425-867-0797
Ella Baker 425-836-9805
Emerson K-12 425-936-2312
Explorer 425-836-4658
Franklin 425-739-0607
Frost 425-821-4947
Juanita El 425-820-2312
Keller 425-814-1540
Kirk 425-576-0025
Lakeview 425-827-2045
Mann 425-556-0874
McAuliffe 425-836-4238
Mead 425-836-0151
Muir 425-814-1089
Redmond 425-882-0591
Rockwell 425-885-5528
Rosa Parks 425-836-1350
Rose Hill 425-822-7494
Rush 425-556-0364
Sandburg 425-814-0456
Smith 425-836-8258
Thoreau 425-814-4986
Twain 425-250-0878
Wilder 425-702-0114
Middle Schools
Environmental 425-825-0921
Evergreen Middle 425-868-0105
Finn Hill Middle 425-814-2955
Inglewood Middle 425-868-0628
International 425-576-1515
Kamiakin Middle 425-823-2921
Kirkland Middle 425-889-1589
Northstar 425-576-0567
Redmond Middle 425-556-9806
Renaissance 425-898-1359
Rose Hill Middle 425-576-6342
Stella Schola 425-936-2476
Timberline Middle 425-868-1426
High Schools
Eastlake High 425-898-1359
Emerson High 425-576-0567
Emerson K-12 425-576-0567
Futures School 425-814-0161
Juanita High 425-814-0161
Lake Washington High 425-576-0539
Redmond High 425-861-7574
Tesla STEM High 425-869-0014
LWSD Resource Center
The LWSD Resource Center also has an emergency phone line, which can be used when the main phone lines are down. Its emergency phone number is 425-861-7765.