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Facilities planning

important documents that guide the district's building program

Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan: primary facility planning document

The Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan, reviews the district’s projected enrollment during that time. The document outlines the district’s plans for schools to house those students. The plan is reviewed and updated each year. The school board must adopt it. It sets a standard of service for a target teacher-student ratio for different grade levels. School capacity is determined based on the district standard of service and the existing classroom inventory.

The Capital Facilities Plan reviews known growth areas and enrollment projections. Needs for classroom space are projected for different areas. The plan describes how the district will adjust its facilities to meet the needs of the expected population. A financing plan is included that demonstrates the district’s ability to implement the plan.

Educational Specifications: guidelines for planning educational facilities

Lake Washington School District construction projects range from relatively small improvements to a complete remodel of an entire school. No matter its size, any project must help the district meet its goals for student learning. That’s why all building construction projects start with the Educational Specifications.

This document is revisited periodically. The last review took place in 2013. It reflects knowledge gained from construction funded by the 1998 and 2006 bond measures. It also reflects updates of the district’s vision and goals.

The current version was developed through a collaborative process that involved a broad-based committee. There were interviews with principals and with representative focus groups. The document defines the program elements for a typical school. It allows for optional programs or service elements to be added. 

The educational specifications derive from the district’s educational goals. It also takes into account educational trends. This latest revision acknowledges a shift to greater hands-on, project-based experiences. These trends have implications for the design of facilities to support a changing educational program.

Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force Recommendations Report

A 63-person community-based task force developed a set of recommendations concerning the district's long-term facilities needs, through 2030. During almost a year of work, the task force grappled with the issue of classroom capacity and aging schools in a rapidly growing school district. The district's board of directors accepted the Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force Recommendations Report in November 2015. The recommendations were in turn the basis of the successful 2016 bond measure, which funds the first set of projects.

Facilities Advisory Committee

In November 2019, Lake Washington School District formed a Facility Advisory Committee to make recommendations for future facility planning, informed by enrollment trends, community expectations and district programs. The final recommendations were released in 2021. The facility strategy aligned with the District’s strategic plan and made recommendations to accommodate our rapid enrollment growth and continue to provide quality learning environments. The Superintendent and School Board consider these recommendations as it plans for future ballot measures to fund construction.