Past Ballot Measures & Projects
To reduce overcrowding and address aging facilities
The state does not provide funding for construction of new schools to accommodate student growth and provides limited funding for rebuilding aging facilities. Local districts are responsible for raising their own money and must use two primary sources for funding construction: Bonds and/or Capital Projects Levies.
Due to rapid enrollment growth Lake Washington School District has run a number of ballot measures* since 2010 in an effort to reduce overcrowding and address aging facilities. In addition, the district has also implemented short-term solutions such as boundary changes, program shifts, and the addition of portables at schools. LWSD still has critical capacity needs that must be addressed.
*Bonds require 60% or more to pass. Levies require 50% or more to pass
2024 Building Excellence Capital Construction Levy: Passed
Helps to ensure that all students have access to safe, modern learning spaces that support their education.
2022 Construction Projects Levy: Passed
Funds school construction to provide funding to build critical classroom space across our district.
2019 Short-term plan
Add 20 portables to the Juanita and Lake Washington areas for Fall 2020.
2019 Capital Projects Levy: Passed
Critical projects for growth, including additions at five schools and safety and security upgrades across the district.
2018 Bond: Failed
Continue to reduce overcrowding and enhance student learning environments.
2018 Non-funding actions
LWSD implemented boundary adjustments in the Redmond Learning Community.
2017 Short-term plan
The district implemented a plan to create 10 more classroom spaces at elementary and 22 more spaces at secondary.
2016 Bond: Passed
Funded eight projects, providing space for 3,000 additional students.
2015 Non-funding actions
LWSD implemented boundary adjustments in all learning communities. Learning center classrooms were moved.
2014 Short-term plan
LWSD developed and implemented a short-term plan to address immediate needs for classroom space.
2014 Non-funding actions
LWSD convened a long-term Facility Planning Task Force.
2014 Bonds: Failed
Two bond measures to remodel/replace Juanita High School and add five new schools.
2012 Non-funding actions
LWSD shifted grade configurations to K-5 elementary schools, 6-8 middle schools, and 9-12 high schools.
2011 Capital Projects Levy: Passed
Capital Projects Levy to build additions at Eastlake High School and Redmond High School; Added Tesla STEM High School.
2010 Bond: Failed
Bond to remodel/replace Juanita High School; additions at Eastlake High School and Redmond High School; add two new elementary schools.
For more information on the approved construction projects, click here.