- Who can rent district facilities ?
- What documentation is required to determine a group’s user classification?
- What are the procedures for use of a district facility?
- How is approval of use determined?
- What areas of the facility may be rented?
- Who schedules and approves facility use?
- When may use be denied to groups?
- What are the fees to use district facilities?
- How are payments for facility use to be made?
- What staff are required for building use and what is the cost to the user?
- What are the procedures for use of a district facility?
- What is the timeline for applications?
- What are available hours for facility use?
- What duration and cancellation policies apply?
- When are there additional requirements for insurance?
- What are the rules/restrictions related to building use?
- Are there restrictions on employees using district facilities for athletic camps or tutoring?
Who can rent district facilities ?
Click on an arrow below to see the different user classifications:
- Group I: District or school-oriented groups
- Group II: City-sponsored youth activities via cities/school district interlocal agreements
- Group III: Non-profit youth organizations with members residing within the Lake Washington School District
- Group IV: Non-profit adult organizations with members residing within the Lake Washington School District; other city and state agencies
- Group V: Other non-profit organizations
- Group VI: Other adult organizations
Group I: District or school-oriented groups
First Priority: District or school-related programs or activities and district or school-oriented groups that exist primarily
because of the school program. It includes:
- Curricular and extra-curricular student groups
- The associated student body
- School booster clubs
- Staff unions or other staff groups
- District-convened citizen advisory groups
Group II: City-sponsored youth activities via cities/school district interlocal agreements
Group III: Non-profit youth organizations with members residing within the Lake Washington School District
Third Priority: Local community non-profit youth organizations with a membership roster of at least 65 percent of members residing within the boundaries of Lake Washington School District. Examples include:
- Boys & Girls Club
- youth sports leagues such as soccer leagues or Little League
- Lake Washington Youth Ski Council
- 4-H Club
- Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
- Camp Fire
Group IV: Non-profit adult organizations with members residing within the Lake Washington School District; other city and state agencies
Fourth Priority: Adult non-profit organizations that have as their prime focus the interests and needs of the local community and whose membership roster demonstrates at least 65 percent of its members reside within the boundaries of Lake Washington School District. This category also includes state and local agencies with which the district does not have a joint-use interlocal agreement. Examples, if they meet the 65 percent requirement, include:
- Community clubs
- League of Women Voters
- Service clubs
- Senior citizen groups
- Churches
Group V: Other non-profit organizations
Group VI: Other adult organizations
Sixth Priority: Private and commercial groups including semi-professional groups, private social groups, etc. Private groups are not permitted to use district facilities without the prior approval of the Superintendent. Commercial or semi-professional groups must receive approval of the Board of Directors.
What documentation is required to determine a group’s user classification?
- Non-Profit Status: All groups (other than Groups I and VI) must submit evidence of non-profit status before use of the district’s facilities.
- Membership Roster: Groups III, IV and V are required to submit a letter stating the percentage of members who reside within LWSD These groups shall submit a membership roster to verify their appropriate user classification, upon request.
- Financial Statement: Financial statements of revenues and expenses from any admission charges or offerings must be provided by the applicant upon request. Other documentation must be provided when requested.
User group classifications are explained in detail on the Building Use page.
What are the procedures for use of a district facility?
The application form is available at all locations. It cannot be filled out or sent electronically: It is a numbered four-part form that must be filled out with a pen. Please follow these instructions:
- Fill out the application and submit it to the facility.
- Submit the application at least 20 calendar days before the intended use.
- Include in the application the name of the person who will be responsible for sponsorship, supervision, indemnification and facility security. That applicant must sign the form, acknowledging agreement with the district rules and requirements.
- Provide documentation of your organization’s non-profit status.
- Provide a membership roster or a statement of what percent of your members reside within Lake Washington School District boundaries.
- Provide a certificate of insurance.
- The facility approves or rejects the application. If accepted, they also make custodial arrangements.
How is approval of use determined?
Determination is based on the following criteria including:
- Eligibility of the group to use district facilities
- How the building use fits in with or impacts scheduled school activities at the site or previously approved building use activities
- Whether custodial help will be needed and, if so, if it is available
- If a district employee is available to operate specialized equipment needed in theater or stadium use situations
- Class I groups have priority over all other groups when determining building use schedules and handling conflicts.
- The continued use of a building is not automatically guaranteed.
What areas of the facility may be rented?
Facility spaces available for rental are generally limited to public areas and/or assembly spaces. This includes areas such as gymnasiums, commons/cafeteria, and libraries. Classrooms are not considered public spaces due the nature and impact of use on the educational process. Limited classroom rental is allowed for designated classrooms. Each school will designate at least one classroom available for rental subject to the priority classifications, and established policies and rules for the use of such areas.
Facility use agreement does not give the user the right to control other portions of the facility or site. Use by other groups, community members or staff may not be prohibited by facility user other than for the specific portion of the facility that is rented within the specific rental period. Site access may not be restricted by facility users.
Other than for sports fields/stadiums, rental of exterior portions of school sites is not generally allowed. Use of school site by outside groups for demonstrations, protests, leafleting or other organized events is not allowed. Any requests for exterior site use, parking, etc. should be directed to the district’s Director of Support Services.
Who schedules and approves facility use?
Requests for use of district facilities should be directed to the specific school at which use is desired. No district-wide facility scheduling is available.
The school’s facility administrator or designee has the overall responsibility and authority to determine use of facilities during and after school hours by district personnel and any community organizations in accordance with established policies and rules.
Such decisions may be appealed to the deputy superintendent. The superintendent is the final authority on the interpretation and modification of all non-commercial use of school facilities.
When may use be denied to groups?
The district reserves the right to deny use for any activities contrary to the district’s interests or those that would create a substantial disruption to the educational environment.
Users who have violated use agreements, procedures, damaged district facilities or failed to pay required fees may be denied use. A written warning of violations shall be given to the user prior to denying use applications unless such violations are egregious.
Denial of use will not be made based upon a group’s viewpoint.
What are the fees to use district facilities?
Fees for Use of Facilities
All Group I users will not be charged for the use of any district or school facility. The exception to this condition is when the service required will result in an additional expense to the district. In such cases, a charge equal to the additional cost shall be made, e.g., custodial fee, special equipment arrangements, technician, food service employee.
Groups II-VI will be charged facility use rates consistent with the type of use. This includes supply charge for use at any time and a supplemental energy fee for use on a non-school days. Users will also pay for needed labor such as custodial technicians or food service employees.
The facility administrator or designee will estimate the appropriate fees based on the requested hours for the requested facility use and labor required and provide you with a copy. Fees must be paid before the application can be approved. The district shall make all final determinations regarding applicable facilities use fees to be assessed.
Additional charges
The user group will be responsible for the cost of any damage, vandalism, or other alteration to the district’s facilities. The user group will also be responsible for the cost of any additional clean-up above and beyond the custodial fees initially set forth in the use agreement. Users who cause damage to the district’s facilities may be required to submit a damage deposit or may be denied further use of the district’s facilities if the damage is severe or if the damage occurs during more than one use.
How are payments for facility use to be made?
Payment of User Fees (Prepayment Required)
Estimated facility use fees must be prepaid before the application will be given final approval and the facilities actually reserved. For users of a continuing nature, e.g., church groups, adult sport leagues, etc. a monthly amount can be calculated and prepaid each month. No refunds will be given for cancellations, however fees paid for activities may be applied to rescheduled facility use.
What staff are required for building use and what is the cost to the user?
Custodial services will be required for facility use outside of normal custodial staff hours to ensure the cleanliness of the facility for school use and to ensure the building is appropriately locked and secured, unless the facility administrator has agreed to an alternate method.
Any alternate method must ensure the security of the building. Additional custodial services may also be required if facility use would otherwise interfere with the needs of the school.
Any required additional custodial time will be paid for by the user. A custodian working on a weekend is paid a minimum of two and one half (2 1/2) hours. A custodian working overtime is paid a minimum of one and one half (1 1/2) times their regular rate. A custodian working on a district recognized holiday shall be paid two (2) times their regular rate of pay in addition to the holiday pay. The district recognizes the following holidays: Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving Day, the day before Christmas, Christmas Day, the day before New Year’s Day, New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday, President’s Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day. Holiday pay applies to the day the district recognizes the holiday.
If custodial services are required but the district is unable to provide adequate custodial staffing, an application for use may be denied and/or prior approval revoked.
Food Service
Whenever a kitchen facility is used, a food service employee must be present. Actual labor costs for kitchen supervision and/or staffing will be billed to the user based on the services required.
AV Equipment
If AV equipment is requested for use in common areas and the facility administrator determines a technician’s presence is required, the user will pay for the labor costs. Use of classroom AV equipment, computers, and/or projection equipment is not allowed.
Proper police and fire protection, as determined by the district in its sole discretion, must be provided at the user’s expenseWhat are the procedures for use of a district facility?
Any person or group, other than official school/student activity users, must complete an application before using any of the district’s facilities. There are no exceptions to the written application process. Numbered application forms for the use of the district’s facilities are obtained at each building location.
All applications must include the name of the person who will be responsible for sponsorship, supervision, indemnification and security of the facilities. The applicant must sign the form, which acknowledges that the user agrees to comply with the district’s rules and requirements as stated on the front and back of the application form and in these guidelines. The school’s principal or designee reviews the completed application and determines whether to approve or disapprove the users’ requests and makes custodial and food service arrangements.
What is the timeline for applications?
Applications for use of up to 10 consecutive or non-consecutive days must be completed and submitted to the facility administrator or designee not less than (20) school days in advance of the intended use, with the exception of Group VI users, which must make requests 45 days in advance.
Requests for use of more than 10 consecutive or non-consecutive days must be submitted as follows:
- Facility Use Requests for Sept/Oct/Nov
Submitted by: June 1
Approval by: July 1 - Facility Use Requests for: Dec/Jan/Feb
Submitted by: Sept 1
Approval by: October 1 - Facility Use Requests for Mar/Apr/May
Submitted by: Jan 1
Approval by: February 1 - Facility Use Requests for Jun/Jul/Aug
Submitted by: Mar 1
Approved by: April 1
Applications will be considered for approval based on facility availability and requestor’s priority classification. Additional applications will be required if extended usage is anticipated beyond that initially approved with an application. All applications must be renewed annually.
Long-term non-intermittent use of the district’s facilities must be supported by a separate lease agreement approved by the district’s Business Office, on an annual basis.
What are available hours for facility use?
What duration and cancellation policies apply?
Duration of Use and the District’s Right to Revoke
Users who are granted permission to use the district’s facilities are granted a revocable license to use the facilities only. Nothing in the application or in these rules should be construed to grant to users a lease or a property interest in the district’s facilities.
The district reserves the right to cancel use due to emergency or inclement weather. Further, the district reserves the right to revoke a license to use the district’s facilities, without advance notice or reason, and without incurring liability.
When are there additional requirements for insurance?
With the exception of Group I users and certain Group II users (as are specifically described below), groups using district facilities are required to provide, at their own expense, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy naming the Lake Washington School District as an additional insured. This policy shall be primary and written with limits of $1,000,000, combined single limits per occurrence. The certificate of insurance must indemnify and hold harmless the Lake Washington School District No. #414, the Board of Directors, district employees, and volunteers from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, or rights of action directly growing out of the use of the premises. A certificate of insurance evidencing coverage and a copy of the endorsement naming the district as an additional insured must be submitted to the Risk Management Office prior to use. In the event of damage arising from the use of the district’s facilities, the user will be held responsible for all expenses incurred by the district. Users are also required to sign an indemnification form prior to use.
Certificate of Insurance Guidelines
A certificate of insurance is required when district facilities are being used by all non-Group I users.
Insurance certificates should be sent to Lake Washington School District, Support Services - Risk Management, 15212 N.E. 95th St., Redmond, WA 98052, or faxed to 425-936-1156.
What are the rules/restrictions related to building use?
Prohibitions and Proper Conduct
- Users shall not post any materials the wall, ceilings, floors, fences, etc. unless the district has approved the materials in advance of the use. No signage, other than that used for directional purposes may be used. Directional signage must be put up before and taken down after the event and is limited to the same day as the event.
- Users shall not alter any facilities.
- The burning of candles or any other materials poses a fire hazard and is strictly prohibited.
- Proper footwear must be worn on appropriate surfaces.
- Users are required to remove their materials, equipment, furnishings, and rubbish after using the facilities. Room furniture must be returned to the original set-up. If the user leaves any materials, equipment, furnishings, or rubbish, the property will be considered abandoned and the user will be responsible for all costs associated with removing the property.
- Building users shall not practice unlawful discrimination of any kind.
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics, or other dangerous or illegal drugs shall not be permitted in district or school facilities or on district or school property at any time.
- Except for on-duty law enforcement officers carrying licensed weapons, firearms, explosives, and dangerous weapons shall not be permitted at any of the District’s facilities at any time regardless of whether the owner of the firearm or explosive is legally permitted to carry the firearm or explosive.
- Requests to make or allow radio or television broadcasts during any user event must be submitted with the initial application, and may only occur upon prior written approval by the District.
- The use of the District’s facilities shall not be granted to any individual or organization if the individual or organization will use the buildings, grounds, or facilities for or to promote illegal activities.
- Except for properly licensed bingo and/or raffles for the sole purpose of fund raising for civic or charitable purposes, gambling shall be prohibited in any of the district’s facilities.
- Groups II through VI users may not advertise or sell any merchandise or products in or on the district’s facilities.
- Once an application for use of the district’s facilities has been granted, users are strictly prohibited from assigning the license to use the facilities to any other individual or organization.
- Users are expected to restrict their use and activities to the times and places designed in their application for use.
- No animals may be brought in to district facilities during facility use, except for required service animals.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The district has policies that prohibit discrimination against any person on the basis of sex in its recreational and athletic programs. Specifically, District Policy JB, “Equal Educational Opportunities,” provides: The Lake Washington Schools are established to educate each student in a way that gives the best promise for full realization of his/her potential. The district shall provide equal educational opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, or national origin or the presence of any sensory, physical or mental disability.
Equal Rights and Opportunity
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and WAC 392-190, formerly known as Substitute House Bill 413, prohibits sex discrimination in all federally assisted education programs and activities. Pursuant to these mandates, the Board of Directors of Lake Washington School District shall provide for all students grades K-12, an equal opportunity to participate in all district education programs, activities, and opportunities including, but not limited to, counseling and guidance, recreational and athletic activities, access to course offerings, textbooks, and instructional materials. Further, the opportunity to participate in all vocational education or adult education programs and activities shall be made available to all persons, regardless of sex. The district prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of sex in the operation, conduct, or administration of community athletics programs for youth or adults that use district facilities. The district is providing this policy to all third parties who seek permission to use the district’s athletic facilities for the operation of a community athletics program. Review the district’s antidiscrimination policy here.
Are there restrictions on employees using district facilities for athletic camps or tutoring?
Athletic Camps/Tutoring
District employees may not use district facilities for a for-profit or commercial enterprise, nor may they personally profit from using district facilities.
District employees or coaches who operate summer camps under the umbrella of an authorized non-profit organization must pay the use fee appropriate for that organization. The Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) also has rules regulating the activities of coaches and districts involved in off-season activities.