Asbestos Safety
This notice informs you that there is asbestos in some of our schools. Though present in some building materials, it does not represent a health hazard to people. In 2019, an asbestos re-inspection was made at our schools that have asbestos. Asbestos-containing building materials were found to be in good condition. A plan is in place to ensure that the remaining asbestos will not represent a future health hazard. This plan includes periodic inspections and frequent observational surveys.
You may wonder why all of the asbestos is not removed. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asbestos only presents a health hazard when fibers become airborne and are inhaled. The mere presence of asbestos in materials does not represent a health hazard. Therefore, the EPA recommends that asbestos only be removed during renovation activities.
The majority of asbestos-containing materials in our schools are located in or around mechanical areas that are not accessed by the public. Floor tile and the glue that holds the tile may also contain very small amounts of asbestos. When asbestos removal projects are undertaken, we take the essential precautions to test and abate as required by the EPA.
Our asbestos management plan identifies locations of the materials assumed to contain asbestos and calls for the removal of any asbestos-containing materials that either present a risk or are present in an area being renovated. The plan also indicates the schedule of inspections and response actions. This plan is located in school offices for your review.