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Movin’ on up – LWSD earns Level One District recognition, three schools earn Sustaining level in King County Green Schools program 

Movin’ on up – LWSD earns Level One District recognition, three schools earn Sustaining level in King County Green Schools program 
LWSD Level One School District

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) has been working with the King County Green Schools (KCGS) program to bring awareness about sustainability to our community. That work paid off as the program has recognized LWSD for achieving Level One District recognition this year. To receive recognition as a Level One King County Green School District, school districts must meet certain criteria. Some of the criteria relates to school participation in the program, waste reduction, policies and more. The district needs a 75% participation rate from its schools to qualify. LWSD now has 84% of its schools involved in the KCGS program.   

In addition, three schools in Lake Washington School District were recognized as first time Sustaining Green Schools by KCGS in June. Dickinson Elementary /Explorer Community, Ella Baker Elementary and McAuliffe Elementary were all added to this designation in 2023-24. This is in addition to Environmental & Adventure School (EAS) and the shared campus of Carl Sandburg Elementary and Discovery Community School, which had previously received this recognition and have sustained their status.   

Reaching Sustaining Green School recognition requires a multi-year commitment to meet requirements in Levels 1, 2 and 3. The program focuses on waste reduction and recycling (Level 1), energy conservation (Level 2), water conservation and pollution prevention (Level 3), and additional conservation actions. Sustaining Green Schools must meet, complete and maintain conservation practices for all levels. 

Congratulations to the following King County Green Schools for their achievements in 2023-24 (asterisk denotes school’s first year in the level): 

Sustaining Green Schools - These five LWSD schools were recognized as Sustaining Green Schools for maintaining their Level One, Two and Three practices, and completing an additional conservation action.   

  • Carl Sandburg Elementary/Discovery Community School 
  • Environmental & Adventure School 
  • Dickinson Elementary/Explorer Community School 
  • Ella Baker Elementary School 
  • McAuliffe Elementary School 

Level 3 - These LWSD schools received recognition as Level Three Green Schools for maintaining their Level One waste reduction and recycling practices while engaging in water conservation education and strategies. 

  • Mann Elementary School 
  • Juanita High School 
  • Alcott Elementary School 
  • Audubon Elementary School 
  • Eastlake High School 
  • Wilder Elementary School 
  • Redmond High School 

Level 2 - These LWSD schools received recognition as Level Two Green Schools for maintaining their Level One waste reduction and recycling practices while engaging in energy conservation education and actions. 

  • Juanita Elementary School 
  • Einstein Elementary School 
  • Franklin Elementary School 
  • Inglewood Middle School 
  • International Community School 
  • Lake Washington High School 
  • Mead Elementary School 
  • Carson Elementary School 
  • Rosa Park Elementary School 
  • Tesla STEM High School  
  • Timberline Middle School 

Level 1 - These LWSD schools received recognition as Level One Green Schools for starting or improving their waste reduction and recycling practices. 

  • Bell Elementary School 
  • Rush Elementary School 
  • Blackwell Elementary School 
  • Evergreen Middle School 
  • Finn Hill Middle School 
  • Keller Elementary School 
  • Emerson Campus 
  • Kirk Elementary School 
  • Renaissance School of Art & Reasoning 
  • Redmond Elementary School  
  • Redmond Middle School 
  • Smith Elementary School 

See a complete list of schools participating in the King County Green Schools program.  


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