Connections - October 24, 2024
- Are you registered to vote? Check your voter status to make sure you can vote. The last day to register online for the November election is October 28.
- Have you voted? You can vote by mail – no stamp needed! - or drop off your ballot 24/7 in a ballot box.
Work with us
We're hiring! Consider a career in LWSD
LWSD is always seeking great talent for positions throughout our district. In addition to other positions available throughout the district, we are looking for applicants for the following positions:
- Nurses
- Instructional assistants (IAs)
- Paraeducators
- Custodians
- Bus Drivers
- Substitutes
These positions are also available in a substitute role. Check out the LWSD website for job descriptions and postings.
Learning Focused
Share your thoughts on our new “Student Profile”
We are excited to share our new Student Profile with you.
Over the past year, we have worked closely with students, staff, and families to develop a shared vision of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions essential for future-ready learning. This profile aligns learning expectations with the abilities students need to graduate prepared for their next steps to contribute meaningfully to society–whether that means pursuing further education or entering the workforce.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on how this profile might shape the student experience. Your feedback will play a vital role in refining it as we move toward finalizing the Student Profile by the end of 2024. Once complete, it will serve as a foundation for our strategic plan moving forward.
ThoughtExchange provides a unique two-way process to bring people together on important topics, which replaces the methods used in traditional surveys with a naturally collaborative platform. LWSD will take the results of this exchange to help guide our decision-making on completing the Student Profile. Thank you for taking the time to review this profile and share your thoughts with us.
Here is the link to the ThoughtExchange.
This Exchange will close on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Learn more about the Student Profile here.
LWSD honors its employees through “Excellence in Action” video series
One of the things that makes our district unique is the exceptional people who choose to work and serve here. To recognize and honor the outstanding work they do, Superintendent Dr. Jon Holmen has launched a monthly video series called “Excellence in Action.” This series will highlight an exceptional employee each month, providing an opportunity for their community to honor and celebrate them.
In the first video of the series, Dr. Holmen visited McAuliffe Elementary, where their Head Custodian, Mitch Sims-Fahey, was nominated and selected as our first “Excellence in Action” recipient. Please take a few minutes to watch the video, which recognizes Mitch’s contributions to the McAuliffe community and the daily impact he has on the lives of young people.
View this month’s video and all the future ones on the LWSD website.
Students and staff wear orange on October 16 to show we’re united against bullying
Unity Day celebration
Make it ORANGE and make it end! What are your true colors when it comes to bullying? LWSD staff and students showed they cared about safe and supportive schools by making their color ORANGE for Unity Day on October 16. That’s the day everyone came together – in schools, communities and online – to send one large ORANGE message of support, hope and unity.
Check out more photos from Unity Day on our Facebook page.
Read more about how you can stand against bullying and come together for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and Disability History Month
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and 2024 marks 79 years of the United States recognizing workers with disabilities. According to the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, NDEAM is “a time to celebrate the importance of a diverse workforce and the value individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace. This year’s theme is "Access to Good Jobs for All."
To get involved see the below links:
- Read about the history of disability rights in the USA
- Learn about adaptive technologies available in the workplace and beyond
- Read Disability Inclusion Network's Inclusive Virtual Meeting Planning Guide for all workplace meetings and events
Washington state passed a law in 2008 asking schools to use the month of October to increase awareness, respect and acceptance for people with disabilities, and to bring a greater sense of pride to people with disabilities. The following state law was created by the Washington state legislature to help bring this awareness to schools:
"The legislature finds that annually recognizing disability history throughout our entire public educational system, from kindergarten through grade twelve and at our colleges and universities, during the month of October will help to increase awareness and understanding of the contributions that people with disabilities in our state, nation, and the world have made to our society. The legislature further finds that recognizing disability history will increase respect and promote acceptance and inclusion of people with disabilities. The legislature further finds that recognizing disability history will inspire students with disabilities to feel a greater sense of pride, reduce harassment and bullying, and help keep students with disabilities in school."
Reminder: Choice School application process opens November 1 at 8 a.m. – Information nights start this week
Choice Schools and programs are optional schooling alternatives, created to meet specific needs and interests. They are designed to be smaller and use innovative approaches to education that are different from traditional public schools. Choice Schools and programs are often housed within an existing school or on the same campus as another school.
Applications for Choice Schools and programs will open on November 1, 2024, at 8 a.m. via ParentSquare. Additional information about the application will be sent out soon. Schools started hosting information nights this week. Please visit the Choice Schools webpage for details.
Reminder: Lake Washington School District preschool availability
Looking for a preschool for your 3- or 4-year-old? We currently have availability in all our preschool locations! The preschool sessions and cost are as follows:
- AM Session 8:40 - 11:10
- PM Session 12:10 - 2:40
- $475/month
Preschool Locations:
- Bell Elementary
- Juanita Elementary
- Sandburg Elementary
- Wilder Elementary
- Carson Elementary
- Old Redmond Schoolhouse
Students must have turned three years old by August 31, 2024. Transportation is not provided. For questions or more information, call 425-936-2845 or visit
Final Reminder: Advanced Placement exam registration information for 2024-25 school year
Registration and payment is open September 30, 2024, 12:01 am until October 30, 2024, 11:59 p.m. for Advanced Placement exams!
We encourage all students who want to take May 2025 AP exams to complete the registration on time and pay for their exams during this period.
Exam information, exam dates, costs, late registration windows/fees and cancellation fees can all be found on our new LWSD Advanced Placement webpage.
*Please note* Exam registration and exam payment are separate required processes.
- Students register for exam(s) via AP Central. AP teachers and the school’s AP coordinator will have the codes that students will use to register for each exam.
- Students pay via Online Payments or directly to the school bookkeeper. Students can pay for their exam(s) from now until October 30.
An AP Late Registration window will be offered in February. Students who register during this late window will pay an additional $50 per exam late fee in addition to the regular exam fee.
Private and homeschool students will request and register through Juanita High School's website and pay fees in-person to the bookkeeping office at JHS.
Questions? Please contact your AP teacher and/or school’s Advanced Placement Coordinator:
Eastlake High School | Chase Covington | |
International Community School | Melissa Shen | |
Juanita High School | Breck Ivy | |
Lake Washington High School | Joe Joss | |
Redmond High School | Margaret Kinney Kasey Dauenhauer | |
Tesla STEM High School | Heidi Cooperrider | |
WANIC Skills Center | Jana Robertson | |
Reminder: ENAEP Veteran's Powwow October 26
Come join in the Native community and the Eastside Native American Education Program (ENAEP) in honoring our veterans! We are hosting a powwow to lift up our veterans as well as lift up our Native youth. There will be vendors, concessions, dancing, powwow drumming, a raffle and more!
Event details:
- October 26 at 4:00 p.m.
- Juanita High School
This event is open to everyone! View the flyer for more information.
District announcements
Energy Awareness month
October is Energy Awareness Month! Let’s celebrate by committing to make one energy-conscious change and see how much we can save together. Contact the LWSD sustainability team at to request and share energy conservation lesson ideas.
- Transition all lights in your home, including any holiday lights, to LEDs.
- Avoid “phantom load” by using power strips and smart plugs.
- Install low flow aerators on faucets and shower heads to reduce water and energy consumption.
- Inspect the weatherstripping around your home’s exterior doors and operable windows. If you can see sunlight its time for an upgrade!
- Next time you need a replacement, invest in energy-efficient appliances to maximize your energy savings.
- Turn off any lights and unplug appliances when not in use.
- Check the insulation in your homes. Improper installation in homes can cause excessive energy use. Correcting this will save energy, money and improve overall comfort.
- Close window blinds at the end of the day.
Are your ready for inclement weather?
When emergency conditions such as snow and ice or windstorms result in school schedule changes, the district will notify families directly through ParentSquare.
Here are some other ways to find out about school schedule changes:
- Pop-up alert on and school webpages.
- – This website allows you to sign up for text messages as well.
- Local TV/radio stations – They get a feed from of all school schedule change decisions.
Curious how school schedule change decisions are made? You can learn how to be updated when school is delayed or canceled on the School Closures and Late Starts page of the district website.
Final reminder: LWSD partners with Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) to offer flu & COVID shot clinics
LWSD is partnering with Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) to offer flu and COVID vaccine clinics throughout October. The exact products available will be the Flucelvax Trivalent Preservative-Free Flu Vaccine and the newly approved Moderna Spikevax (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) whose formula has been updated to protect against the KP.2 strain of the virus. Flu shots can be provided to those ages 4+, but patients must be at least 5 years old for COVID vaccines. Flu and COVID vaccines will be available at the following five locations.
- Thursday, October 24, 2-7 p.m. at Kamiakin M.S. (14111 132nd Ave N.E., Kirkland)
- Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Redmond H.S. (17272 NE 104th St, Redmond)
Important Information:
- Each patient needs their own individual appointment registration, in their legal name, completed with their individual information. For records reporting purposes, please ensure the accuracy of your demographic information, including your name and date of birth.
- For example, a family of four will need four separate appointments. If you are unable to schedule all family members in the same time slot, please register the remaining members in the closest available time slot. You may all still come to the clinic at the same time.
- Please have your confirmation code ready. The confirmation code will be included in your confirmation text message and email.
- If you have an approved insurance plan, including Medicare and Medicaid, you must provide this information during registration, and we will bill your insurance. You will not be charged a co-pay or deductible.
- Patients without an active, accepted insurance plan may pay out-of-pocket at the time of service. Cash rates for the 2024 season are $55 per flu shot and $200 per COVID-19 immunization.
Questions? Email
Lake Washington School Foundation
Help fill the gap: Weekend meals for kids in our community
Each Friday, more than 1,000 backpacks across Lake Washington School District are filled – not with homework, but with food. These are Pantry Packs: Ready-to-eat meals that keep kids fed through the weekend.
Pantry Packs offers more than just nutrition – they provide comfort, energy and peace of mind. This year, over 32,000 meal packs will be delivered, but LWSF needs $200,000 from donors like you to make it happen.
Will you join LWSF in the fight against food insecurity in our community? Even $35 provides a student with weekend meals for a whole month. Please help a child today at
Understanding Standardized Testing: Key updates and strategies | Find Your Fit event
Tuesday, November 12, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., at LWSD Resource Center in Redmond
A lot has changed over the past five years in the world of standardized testing (ACT and SAT). Join Mary Pat O'Neil and guest speaker Matty Steiner (Compass Education Group) as they discuss the role of test scores in college admissions, useful strategies for families, how to prepare for the tests and much more; including the role of Advanced Placement (AP) scores.
This event is suitable for high school students and parents. There will be a question and answer period at the end. Details and registration:
Reminder: Screen-Based Childhood | Parent Chat webinar
Wednesday, November 13, 7–8:00 p.m. on Zoom
At our next Parent Chat webinar, we will explore how screen time affects your child's mental health. Learn practical tips and strategies to help navigate today’s screen-dependent world and foster a healthier relationship with technology.
Details and registration.
Building Excellence
Building Excellence is Lake Washington School District's long-term plan to provide permanent classrooms for students and address aging facilities and reduce reliance on portables through 2034. The Building Excellence Plan identifies the specific projects needed and a long-term funding plan that allows all required projects to be completed by 2034.
2024 Building Excellence Capital Construction Levy - November 5
Have you checked your mailboxes?
Ballots for the November 5 election started arriving last week. Make sure your voice is heard and turn your ballot in. Ballots can be mailed (no stamp needed) or dropped off at a ballot box near you.
What is on the ballot for Lake Washington School District? Proposition 1: A Capital Construction Levy will rebuild and enlarge four of our oldest schools and fund updates to the fieldhouse and community pool at Juanita High School. Learn more at here.
Do you have questions about the November 5 Capital Construction Levy? Check out our updated FAQ page to see if your question is answered!
Please join us! LWSD Superintendent Dr. Jon Holmen and Associate Superintendent of Business and Support Services Barbara Posthumus will offer a series of online town hall events about the 2024 Building Excellence Capital Construction Levy. Each town hall meeting will offer an opportunity for question/answer sessions. We still have one event left.
- Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 6-7 p.m., Meeting link
Student & Staff Success
Practice makes perfect - Eleven LWSD students earn perfect ACT scores
Eleven students from Lake Washington School District (LWSD) have achieved something that less than one-half of 1% of test takers achieve. Nine of these students earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36. Two students were perfect on a whole other level by getting a composite score of 36 and perfect scores in each section as well.
According to the letter they received, out of the 1.3 million students who take the ACT annually, fewer than 4,000 (about 0.3%) manage to achieve a perfect composite score. Scoring 36 in every section is even more rare, making this achievement one of the highest honors for aspiring college students.