Finance Friday
Stay tuned every Friday for a series we're calling Finance Friday. We will share information each week here on our website and on our social media pages about how school funding works to support students. Follow us on Facebook.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Monday afternoon's Teams Live Budget Update #2 event. This presentation was intended to provide a revised budget summary for LWSD. If you missed the event, the full recording is now available online.
Join us as we share our second update on the current and future budget outlook for LWSD.
- Monday, April 1, 2024
- 4:30-5:00 p.m.
- Teams Live Event - Join Event Here*
Want to know how the 2022 School Technology & Capital Projects Levy is impacting your child’s school?
The School Technology & Capital Projects Levy, passed by voters in 2022 helps to fund technology to support operations, educational software programs, classroom technology, and our 1:1 laptop program for students.
Washington state does not provide funding for the construction of new schools to accommodate student growth and provides limited funding for rebuilding aging facilities. Local school districts are responsible for raising their own money for these projects.
Every four years, Lake Washington School District puts a funding measure called an Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy on the ballot. EP&O levies ensure our students have continued access to staff, programs and course offerings to be successful and graduate future-ready. The EP&O levy provides 16% of the district’s general budget revenue.
Lake Washington School District has five “buckets” of funds, that include specific funding sources and expenditures: General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Debt Service, Transportation Vehicle and Associated Student Body (ASB).
Watch Dr. Jon Holmen, Superintendent and Barbara Posthumus, Associate Superintendent of Business and Support Services, as they share information about the current and future budget outlook for LWSD.