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Advertising in LWSD

Non-profit organizations can submit flyers for approval through the Peachjar system

Lake Washington School District (LWSD) recognizes the important role that nonprofit organizations play in providing educational and cultural programs for district students in non-school hours. As part of our efforts to continue to be environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have contracted with an eflyer distribution service provider called Peachjar.

LWSD allows non-profit, charitable and civic organizations to distribute information to students and families through the Peachjar system. Upon approval, flyers are emailed directly to parents. All materials must be approved by the district. Materials from for-profit companies do not qualify.

PTSAs and Booster clubs

PTSAs, Booster clubs, ASBs or other organizations that exist solely because the school or district does can also submit flyers for distribution through Peachjar. Please refer to the Flyer Guidelines and Requirements for PTSAs, ASBs & Booster Clubs for more details. Flyers should be sent, in a pdf format, to either the school Peachjar uploader or to Chris Robison ( depending on the target audience, along with the Flyer Submission Form for PTSAs & Booster Clubs.

Non-profit organizations

Any non-profit organization seeking permission to distribute materials through the schools must meet the following requirements:
  • Qualify as a non-profit, charitable, or civic organization (UBI or Tax ID number required), and
  • Present materials of educational, civic or cultural value, and
  • Submit materials through the Peachjar system and receive approval from the district before the items are distributed.
Flyers must meet the following requirements:
  • The name of nonprofit organization must be displayed prominently on the flyer;
  • The nonprofit name or logo must be bigger than any for-profit partner on the flyer;
  • Include the following disclaimer on the materials:
    Lake Washington School District does not sponsor, endorse, or recommend any of the organizations, services, or activities described in these materials. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, Lake Washington School District shall be held harmless from any causes of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, judgments, or awards
The district cannot approve the distribution of any material that:
  • Contains words, images or symbols that are lewd, obscene, vulgar or sexual in nature;
  • Advocates for a specific political issue or viewpoint;
  • Contains language that is proselytizing in nature;
  • Substantially disrupts, or may reasonably be forecast to substantially disrupt or materially interfere with, the educational process or LWSD activities;
  • Undermines LWSD’s curriculum;
  • Advocates or promotes violation of existing laws, regulations or ordinances, or official LWSD policies, rules or regulations, or poses a substantial risk of causing a violation of the same through the flyer’s distribution;
  • Places LWSD in a non-neutral position with respect to a matter of controversy in relation to which LWSD wishes to remain neutral;
  • Contains commercial taglines, logos, advertisements or other promotional material of for-profit entities and commercial activities except for a limited placement of logo(s) of event or program sponsor(s); or,
  • Does not prominently display the disclaimer set out above.

Submission process

  • Organizations should register at
  • Organizations must submit their flyer through the Peachjar system to be considered for approval.
  • After an organization has submitted a flyer online through Peachjar, it will be automatically sent to the district office. District staff will review the material and approve or deny flyers based on the standards above.
  • Flyer approval takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Once approved, the flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online to the designated school websites.
  • The district asks that organizations submit flyers at least a week in advance of the date that they would like to receive approval.

Peachjar charges a fee for this service. The cost is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers to each school. Peachjar will waive its service fees for local community organizations posting to LWSD schools when promoting a free event or activity that does not entice participants to join a fee-based program, or purchase products or services. To receive the waived service fees a community organization must contact Peachjar to make the request (858-997-2117 or email

Printed copies of approved flyers

Schools may accept a limited quantity of paper copies of the approved flyer to make available at the school itself, usually in or near the school office. Please contact Chris Robison for details on the number of paper copies of approved flyers that can be dropped off in each school office. It is the responsibility of the nonprofit organization to provide the copies to the school.


Approvals of poster requests are handled by the building administrator for each school. Posters must meet the same criteria as flyers to be eligible for school/community bulletin boards.

Materials for teachers and staff

LWSD does not approve promotional materials targeted at teachers or other staff members. Decisions about what can be distributed or placed in school staff lounges is determined by the building administrator at each location. Teachers and staff members cannot distribute promotional materials directly to students.

Submit Flyers: