Accelerated Programs
Highly Capable Program shifts update
Highly Capable referral window now closed
The Highly Capable referral window was open December 2 (12:01 a.m.) – December 15, 2024 (11:59 p.m.). Additional information can be found on our Referral/Appeal/Portfolio and Identification Assessments
We are aware that the links for the Appeal Form and the Portfolio Review Request Form are not working in our eligibility letter for students currently enrolled in LWSD. If you are trying to access either form, please use this link.
LWSD’s highly capable services offer accelerated and enhanced instructional opportunities to students who have been identified. Our services are designed to meet the needs of our highly capable learners by providing curriculum and instruction beyond the scope of the general education classroom.
We are proud to offer services which are designed to meet the needs of our highly capable learners through:
- Enrichment and extension of academic and intellectual skill;
- Stimulation of intellectual curiosity, independence and responsibility;
- Acceleration and enrichment of content to meet student learning needs; and
- Development of advanced critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills through the lens of local and global citizenship
As you explore our website, you will encounter these terms:
- Accelerated Programs - The name of our entire department. This includes all of the programs and services from grades K-12 including Quest and Advanced Placement (AP).
- Highly Capable (HiCap) - Washington state's official term for any student receiving services for gifted education.
- Service models – The program service models within Accelerated Programs: Middle School Quest (MSQ), Full-Time Quest (FTQ), Pull-Out Quest (POQ), and K-5 HiCap (K5HC). In high school, service models include student self-selected courses such as: Running Start, College in the High School, Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) coursework.