ICS student wins Washington state Zine contest

ICS student wins Washington state Zine contest
Katya Rukhlinskaia

An International Community School student is the 2019-20 winner of the sixth annual Washington State Zine Contest. Katya Rukhlinskaia, who is now in eighth grade, won for grades 7-9 for her “Tribes: The Cowlitz” zine entry. A zine is a self-published booklet that is often created by cutting and gluing text and images together onto one master flat for photocopying. Winners of this contest have their physical zines added to the collections at the Washington State Library, The Seattle Public Library and the Timberland Regional Library. The winning zines are also digitized so they can be viewed online for all to see. 

Katya’s zine is focused on the Cowlitz Tribe of southwestern Washington. The project includes several pieces of art as well as population information, creation stories, a short quiz and more. Click here to view Katya’s winning zine.  

Visit http://www.washingtoncenterforthebook.org/wszc/ for more information on the Washington State Zine Contest. 

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