LWSD Art Docent Program
Art Docents are classroom volunteers who teach art lessons to elementary students. The new Lake Washington School District elementary art curriculum and the elementary art docent program complement each other.
The Lake Washington Schools Foundation funded the development of elementary art lessons in partnership with LWSD Art Docents. Art Docents can use these resources to provide equitable access to art district-wide.
The elementary art docent lessons below help LWSD extend and enrich the overall visual arts experience for students in all our elementary schools.
Volunteers can help in Lake Washington School District's elementary classrooms with the Art Docent program. Please see LWSD's volunteering page for additional information.
If you are interested in volunteering as a docent, please contact your student's teacher or PTSA to see about Art Docent opportunities.
Additional information regarding Art Docent workshops to come.
Contact Info:
Stephanie Miller
Teaching & Learning Specialist
Visual and Performing Arts