Return to School FAQ
NOTE: The information provided in the FAQs below is based on our latest planning efforts and guidance received. Information may change as planning teams progress in their work, new guidance is received from state and local government agencies, and/or regional and state health conditions change. We will update this information periodically, so it will be important to check back regularly.
Kindergarten and First Grade Questions
Remote and in-person learning
- What can we expect for the fully-remote model if the district is bringing some students back for in-person instruction?
- Has the District planned for a return to in-person learning?
- Why does the District need to shift students to the Remote Academy?
- What can we expect for in-person learning?
- What is a hybrid schedule?
- When will this change occur?
- What about choice schools or programs?
- If a family/student who is currently enrolled in a choice school chooses to go completely online for the 2020-21 school year will they still be considered a student in that choice school or program in future years?
- How do I fill out the survey?
- Does the District have a plan to reintroduce students to school?
- Why hasn’t LWSD selected a model for in-person learning?
- Can I switch from remote to in-person?
- Will my child have the same classroom teacher?
- What is the threshold for reclosing schools due to the spread of COVID?
- What notification processes and protocols will be in place during in-person learning?
- What would happen if the District was required to return to remote learning for the majority of students?
What can we expect for the fully-remote model if the district is bringing some students back for in-person instruction?
Has the District planned for a return to in-person learning?
Why does the District need to shift students to the Remote Academy?
What can we expect for in-person learning?
What is a hybrid schedule?
When will this change occur?
What about choice schools or programs?
If a family/student who is currently enrolled in a choice school chooses to go completely online for the 2020-21 school year will they still be considered a student in that choice school or program in future years?
How do I fill out the survey?
Does the District have a plan to reintroduce students to school?
Why hasn’t LWSD selected a model for in-person learning?
Can I switch from remote to in-person?
Will my child have the same classroom teacher?
What is the threshold for reclosing schools due to the spread of COVID?
What notification processes and protocols will be in place during in-person learning?
What would happen if the District was required to return to remote learning for the majority of students?
Elementary & Preschool Questions
- What are the plans for Kindergarten and Grade 1?
- How is Lake Washington School District supporting childcare for families?
- What are the plans for preschool?
What are the plans for Kindergarten and Grade 1?
How is Lake Washington School District supporting childcare for families?
What are the plans for preschool?
Middle School/High School Questions
- Are Running Start Programs still available?
- What is the plan for band, orchestra, PE and other lab elective courses?
- How does the district plan to support students taking AP courses in a remote environment?
Are Running Start Programs still available?
What is the plan for band, orchestra, PE and other lab elective courses?
How does the district plan to support students taking AP courses in a remote environment?
Fully-Remote Model Questions
- Is a form still required to enroll in the fully-remote program?
- Will I need to enroll in the Remote Learning Academy if I want to continue in a remote program once school building are able to re-open?
- Will there be an opportunity to get textbooks to support the remote learning program?
- What is the school schedule for remote learning?
- How is attendance being taken during remote learning?
Is a form still required to enroll in the fully-remote program?
Will I need to enroll in the Remote Learning Academy if I want to continue in a remote program once school building are able to re-open?
Will there be an opportunity to get textbooks to support the remote learning program?
What is the school schedule for remote learning?
How is attendance being taken during remote learning?
Special Education
- How will Special Education work in a remote model?
- What are the plans for the Transition Academy?
- How will LWSD be supporting special needs students with both remote learning and in-person services?
- How will in-person services work?
- What special services will be offered when school starts?
- How will you keep students and staff safe while receiving services in-person?
- If a student is only in-person for 2.5 hours, what support do they receive for the rest of the instructional day?
- What will remote services look like?
- How will students receive therapy services such as speech therapy or occupational/physical therapy?
- How will my child receive the appropriate number of minutes of special education as written on their IEPs if they are not in school full-time?
- Will you provide Continuous Learning Plans or implement IEPs as written?
- What about evaluations and re-evaluations that were put on-hold last spring?
- When does in-person services begin?
- Can my student come to school for therapy or services once a week?
- If I’m offered in-person services but do not want to have my child attend, can I receive remote services?
- Why can’t my child attend school for a full day?
- Can I have services provided in my home?
- If my student is unsuccessful with remote learning this fall, can they be reconsidered for in-person learning?
- What if I think my child needs recovery services due to challenges they experienced last Spring?
- What will recovery services look like?
- What resources are available to help parents with instruction?
- Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?
How will Special Education work in a remote model?
What are the plans for the Transition Academy?
How will LWSD be supporting special needs students with both remote learning and in-person services?
How will in-person services work?
What special services will be offered when school starts?
How will you keep students and staff safe while receiving services in-person?
If a student is only in-person for 2.5 hours, what support do they receive for the rest of the instructional day?
What will remote services look like?
How will students receive therapy services such as speech therapy or occupational/physical therapy?
How will my child receive the appropriate number of minutes of special education as written on their IEPs if they are not in school full-time?
Will you provide Continuous Learning Plans or implement IEPs as written?
What about evaluations and re-evaluations that were put on-hold last spring?
When does in-person services begin?
Can my student come to school for therapy or services once a week?
If I’m offered in-person services but do not want to have my child attend, can I receive remote services?
Why can’t my child attend school for a full day?
Can I have services provided in my home?
If my student is unsuccessful with remote learning this fall, can they be reconsidered for in-person learning?
What if I think my child needs recovery services due to challenges they experienced last Spring?
What will recovery services look like?
What resources are available to help parents with instruction?
Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?
English Learners
Testing and Grading
Highly Capable Program
- What will the Quest program look like this fall?
- Will you be testing kids to get into the highly capable program this year?
- What Pull-Out Quest services will be offered during this fall and how will this be managed alongside normal general education classroom commitments?
- If I have not received highly capable placement details, when and how will I get to know the details?
- Will there be instructions or information on how to sign up for Running Start or is that even an option right now?
- Do we need to buy any materials for the Quest program?