Unique Needs Workgroup
The Unique Needs Workgroup is looking at the unique needs of those students and staff members who have been most greatly impacted by the disruption of COVID-19. This workgroup is charged with identifying the student and staff groups who have or will have unique needs that could present a barrier in continued engagement in learning or work.
Workgroup Responsibility:
Plan for various scenarios of working and learning for next school year that is inclusive of the strengths and needs of our staff and students who:
- May be at higher levels of health risk due to COVID-19, or
- May have experienced greater disruption to their learning or well-being this spring than most students or staff due to COVID-19 and the subsequent school closures, or
- May be unable or less likely to access learning in the fall as a result of the various constraints placed on schools due to COVID-19.
Workgroup Tasks:
- Identify student and staff groups who have or will have unique needs that could present a barrier in continued engagement in learning or work.
- Identify student groups that have most lost out on learning opportunities and therefore may be at greater risks for adverse impacts in the future.
- Generate ideas that will help address the needs of these students and staff members.
Workgroup Membership:
- Leads: Matt Gillingham, Associate Superintendent of Student & Community Services
Gloria Henderson, Director of Opportunity, Equity & Inclusion
Dr. Shannon Hitch, Director of Special Services - Parents, students, teachers, staff members, building administrators and central office administrators.
Workgroup Meetings Through June
June 2 and 4:
- Brainstormed specific groups of students or staff that were at greatest risk of being adversely affected by the fallout of COVID-19
- Explored the experience, needs and assets of these groups
- Reviewed data and brainstormed additional data sets that could help inform planning and monitoring efforts
- Generated underlying interests to be taken into consideration when planning for the 2020-21 school year.
June 9 and 11:
- Generate potential options for planning groups to explore that may address or mitigate some of the needs that the workgroup had identified and reviewed this report using a consensus protocol