Return to School Task Force (2020)
Planning for 2020-21 Return to School
School in 2020-21 will be different as we continue to deliver instruction for each student while addressing student, staff and community health and safety during the pandemic. Our planning for the upcoming school year is being informed by guidelines from the Center for Disease Control, King County Health, the Office of Superintendent of Public instruction and other agencies. We are also referring to local, state, national and international models and examples of schooling during the pandemic as we develop our plans. These plans will need to be flexible as we expect there will be ongoing local and regional developments resulting from COVID-19 throughout the year that will require we make adjustments to how we deliver instruction and services for our students and families.
Pathway Forward updates
Return to School Task Force and Workgroups
Lake Washington School District has established a Return to School Task Force consisting of three workgroups. The workgroup consists of teachers, school administrators, union representatives, parents and central office administrators.
This LWSD Return to School Workbook for Building Administrators was developed as an evolving roadmap for returning to school.
Thoughtexchange Results
Lake Washington School District conducted three exchanges in June 2020 to help inform the work of the Return to School Task Force.
- Exchange #1: Reflecting on your experiences learning and working remotely this spring, what aspects were most challenging to you?
- Exchange #2: What aspects of learning and working remotely this spring were the most beneficial or successful for you?
- Exchange #3: What considerations or priorities we need to consider in relation to student learning and wellbeing as we plan for fall?
Exchange #1: Reflecting on your experiences learning and working remotely this spring, what aspects were most challenging to you?
Exchange #2: What aspects of learning and working remotely this spring were the most beneficial or successful for you?
Exchange #3: What considerations or priorities we need to consider in relation to student learning and wellbeing as we plan for fall?
Additional Information
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction formed a Reopening Washington Schools 2020-21 Workgroup. Their work will support our planning but not all suggestions will be implemented.