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Respect for the Law and the Rights of Others  

The student is responsible as a citizen to observe the laws of the United States, the state of Washington, and/or its subdivisions. While in the school, the student shall respect the rights of others. Students who involve themselves in criminal acts on school property, off school property at school-supervised events, or off school property (where acts have a detrimental effect upon the maintenance and operation of the schools or the district) are subject to disciplinary action by the school and prosecution under the law. 

Compliance with Rules 

Students shall comply with all rules adopted by the district and by the school. Failure to do so shall be cause for corrective action. The rules shall be enforced by school officials: 

  • On the school grounds during and immediately before or immediately after school hours; or 
  • On the school grounds at any other time when the school is being used by a school group(s); or 
  • Off the school grounds at a school activity, function, or event; or 
  • Off the school grounds if the actions of the student materially or substantially affect the educational process. 
  1. Significant Disruptive Behavior: 

    Any conduct which materially and substantially interferes with the educational process is prohibited. However, the following infractions have been judged to be so serious/significant in nature and/or so serious in terms of the disruptive effect upon the operation of the school(s) that students may be subject to an emergency expulsion and/or suspension (short term or long term) for a first-time offense. Because each situation is handled individually, administrators have the discretion to use other alternative forms of discipline if they so decide. This may include restitution for property damage or loss and/or restitution to victims if appropriate. All of the following acts are specifically prohibited on school grounds, school-sponsored transportation, (including authorized school bus stops), at school events off school grounds, or off-campus if such conduct causes disruption at school. Law enforcement may be informed. 

    Arson - Lighting a fire, causing any fire to be started, setting fire to school property, or falsely setting off a fire alarm is prohibited. 

    Assault - Inflicting physical harm, being physically violent, using unwanted force, or demonstrating immediate intent to inflict physical harm. This includes sexual assault.

    Dangerous Weapons, Explosives, and Other Unsafe Items - Possessing, threatening to use, or using dangerous weapons (or replica weapons). A dangerous weapon means a weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance that is capable of causing serious bodily injury. This includes knives, BB guns, paintball guns, air guns, stun guns, or the like that injure a person by electric shock, charge, or impulse, martial arts weapons, explosives, incapacitating agents, laser devices, metal knuckles, or any other item which can inflict or threaten substantial harm. Principals may pre-authorize use of replica weapons or props, incapable of firing any projectile, in district-approved plays or school activities. 

    Drugs/Alcohol - Possession, Use, Paraphernalia - Possessing, using, or being under the influence of drugs/alcohol before attending school, on school grounds, on school transportation, or during school sponsored events on or off campus. This includes inhalants, prescription drugs beyond a daily dose and over the counter drugs in quantities or mixtures that are suspect and capable of causing serious harm, or any substance represented as such. Possession of paraphernalia includes any item that can be used to ingest or conceal drugs or alcohol. 

    Drugs/Alcohol - Sell, Buy, Transfer - Transferring, selling, sharing, or soliciting drugs/alcohol on school grounds, on school transportation, walking/riding to/from school, or during school sponsored events on or off campus. Includes inhalants, prescription drugs beyond a daily dose, prescription medical marijuana (even if the holder has a valid medical marijuana card), over-the-counter drugs in quantities or mixtures that are suspect and capable of causing serious harm, or any substance represented as such. 

    Drug/Alcohol Abuse Symptoms 
    1. A student appearing at school or at a school-sponsored activity demonstrating behavior which might indicate drug ingestion, or who admits to a school person that he/she has taken drugs, should be treated as in a potentially very hazardous situation. The student in question then, for his/her own protection, should be removed from contact with other students and placed under the care of a designated adult at school. 
    2. The parents should be notified that the student is exhibiting symptoms that may need medical attention. 
    3. If parents cannot be reached, the school administrator may contact the student's physician or his/her designated alternate. 
    4. The student known to have been taking drugs should not return to school except on advice of competent medical authority. The situation might be handled as any other problem which requires medical clearance for a student's return to school.

Firearms - Possessing, threatening to use, or using a firearm on school property, school-provided transportation, or at school-sponsored events. A firearm is defined as a weapon from which a projectile may be fired by an explosive. It also includes any form of explosive or gas device. 

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying - Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated because of his or her perception of the victim's race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or mental, physical, or sensory handicap or other distinguishing characteristics, when the intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act:

  • Physically harms a student or damages the student's property; or 
  • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education; or 
  • Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or 
  • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school. 

Illegal Acts - An illegal or criminal act that either results or could foreseeably result in injury or damage to self, others or property. This includes the possession or distribution of illegal images, including sexual images on cell phones or other electronic devices. 

Sexual Harassment  - Harassing conduct includes repeated offensive sexual flirtations, advances or propositions, continued or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic or degrading verbal comments about an individual or about his/her appearance, or any offensive or abusive physical contact including, offensive jokes, innuendoes, compliments, cartoons, pranks and/or other verbal, visual, electronic communications, e.g. sexting, or physical conduct, including stalking. Conduct is gender-based when it would not occur but for the sex of the person to whom it is directed. 

Threats - Expressing by words or actions an intent to inflict mental or physical harm. This includes intimidating verbally, by use of hand signs, in writing, or an a computer or other electronic device.

  1. Other Forms of Misconduct 

    Other forms of misconduct including but not limited to those listed below may result in corrective action ranging from possible suspension, expulsion, restitution, or referral to law enforcement authorities or other agencies depending on the severity of the offense: 

    Academic Dishonesty – All forms of cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication, including submitting any work product that the student misrepresents as his or her work product for the purpose of fulfilling any assignment or task required as part of the student’s course of studies. Academic dishonesty also includes the unauthorized use of electronic devices, the use of unauthorized material or unauthorized communication of any kind during testing, and the aiding and abetting of academic dishonesty of others. 

    Alteration of Records – Falsifying, altering, or destroying a school record or any communication between home and school.

    Attendance/Truancy – Absent or tardy from classes without an approved excuse. 

    Disruptive Conduct/Behavior – Behaving in a manner that materially or substantially interferes with or is detrimental to the orderly operation of school, school sponsored events, or any other aspect of the educational process. Includes behavior or activities occurring off-campus that cause or threaten to cause a substantial disruption to the educational process on campus or impinge on the rights of the students or staff at school. 

    Dress Code – Dressing in a manner that is not conducive to the educational environment. A dress or appearance may not present a health or safety hazard or create material and substantial disruption of the educational process at the school. Student dress shall not be gang-related, nor may it promote illegal activities or activities that violate school regulations. 

    Endangerment of Others – Acting in a manner that endangers students, staff, or community members. 

    Extortion/Blackmail & Coercion - Extorting or attempting to extort any item, information, or money.  

    Fighting – Engaging in or provoking a physical altercation involving anger or hostility. This includes instigating a fight, arranging, or contributing to the likelihood of a fight developing, including recording and/or distributing images of the fight. 

    Forgery – Copying, plagiarizing, and/or falsifying materials/signatures and/or other information or objects.  

    Gambling – Engaging in games of chance which involve the exchange of money or other items, or stake or risk money or anything of value on the outcome of something involving chance. A student shall not encourage or coerce other students to gamble. 

    Gang Activity – Engaging in gang activity on school grounds. A gang is a group of three or more persons with identifiable leadership which, on an ongoing basis, regularly conspires and acts in concert mainly for criminal purposes. 

    Hazing – Participating in or failing to report known activity that demeans or abuses any student or members or potential members of a team or club. 

    Immediate Danger and Disruption – Engaging in behavior such that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student (including harm to self/suicidal ideation), other students, school personnel, or an immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption to the educational process. 

    Interfering with School Investigation  -  Misrepresenting, falsely accusing, concealing evidence, verbally or physically impeding or interrupting an investigatory process involving self or others, or otherwise hindering an investigation of an infraction or crime on campus or at a school sponsored event. 

    Lying  - Telling or writing untruths. 

    Negative Community Action  - Engaging in behavior outside of school that may adversely affect the educational environment of the school. Washington State Law provides for the implementation of school discipline for actions performed outside of school that may adversely affect the educational environment of the school. Examples include, but are not limited to, acts of vandalism, theft, assault, drug and alcohol use and sales, inappropriate computer/network behavior, harassment occurring off-campus, including the inappropriate use of email, texting, Skype, or other internet or electronic communications such as to harass or harm others. 

    Physical Aggression
    Willful Disobedience, Failure to Cooperate, and Disrespect  - Repeatedly failing to comply with or follow reasonable, lawful, directions or requests of teachers or staff. This includes non-compliance, defiance, and disrespect. 








P.L. 94-142 
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 
P.L. 93-380, 20 U.S.C., 1232g 
RCW 28A.04.155 
RCW 28A.58.108(2) 
RCW 28A.58.535 
RCW 28A.87.120 
RCW 13.64.060 
WAC 180-52, generally 
WAC 180-57, generally 
WAC 392-171-586 through 392-17-641 
WAC 392-182, generally 
Section 438, General Education Provisions Act (as amended 31 Dec. 1974) 






