Public comment at school board meetings
Public comment process
The Board of Directors of Lake Washington School District welcomes the public to the business meetings of the Board and encourages community engagement. The board dedicates 30 minutes to hear from the public during a public comment period at each Board meeting.
Community members who wish to make a public comment may sign-up to do so by noon on the day of the meeting. Comments will be offered in the order of sign-up beginning with speakers (in-person, followed by virtual) and concluding with written comments. Due to time constraints, it is possible not all comments will be heard.
If you’ve signed up to speak, but are not able to attend the meeting, you may designate another person to speak in your place by sending an email to before noon the day of the meeting. The email must include the new speaker’s name, email and topic. If the original speaker is not present at the board meeting and has not notified LWSD of a replacement in writing by the deadline, the board will move to the next speaker. Substitutions at the meeting will not be accommodated.
Tips on speaking to the board
Your goal should be to raise a specific topic or issue with the school board. Their goal is to listen and learn from the community. They will not respond to testimony that evening. Try to resolve any issues with teachers, school principals, or other district personnel before bringing the issue to the board. The board does not discuss personnel matters at board meetings. Address issues or concerns about individual staff members with the board through letters or phone calls.
- Please limit your comments to two minutes.
- Be respectful of the board when speaking.
- Written materials and supporting slides will not be displayed during board meetings, but can be submitted directly to the board or published with board materials using the public comments form above.
- Speakers should refrain from naming students unless they are the parent/guardian of said student(s).
- Address your testimony to the board members, not the audience.
- Do not address questions to the board. The board's goal for the public comment period is to hear your concerns, comments and opinions. Questions can be answered through calls or letters to board members.