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School Board

LWSD Board of Directors

The Board of Directors leads the district

LWSD Board of Directors named a "Board of Distinction" in 2023

This group sets major policies, hires the superintendent, determines major goals for the district, and holds the superintendent and staff accountable for reaching those goals.

The Board consists of five members. Each Board position is elected by voters from the entire district. They serve a four-year term. That board member must live in the geographic district that is assigned their specific board seat.

Those director districts are established through the use of census data to determine an equitable distribution of Board positions among the population. This system ensures representation on the Board from all areas of the district. Each member is elected by all voters and is responsible for the entire district. Community members may contact any member on the Board.

Role of the Board

The Lake Washington School District Board of Directors uses a governance structure called Coherent Governance®. Coherent Governance® uses these policies as part of its governing process:

  1. Governance Process: These policies define how the Board will operate internally and govern itself to add value to the district. These policies address the Board’s own culture, how it will conduct business, and how members will conduct themselves and interact with each other.
  2. Board CEO Relationship: These policies describe the delegation of authority by the Board to its CEO and clarify the relationship between the two. Organizational performance is considered identical to CEO performance.
  3. Executive Limitations: These policies state the limitations imposed by the Board on the strategies and methods the superintendent and his or her staff may use, as they work to achieve the specified outcomes identified in the Ends Policies. The executive limitations establish the boundaries and operating expectations for staff.
  4. End Results: These policies define the end results desired for our students and what they are expected to know and be able to do as a result of their educational experience. Ends Results policies are based on the Lake Washington School District Mission, Vision, Student Profile, and Guiding Principles.

The Board also serves a legal role as the final district-level decision-maker for appeals that are brought to it under state or federal law, contract or established district procedure.

Each year, the superintendent presents reports to the Board concerning the district’s compliance with the Operational Expectations and its work toward accomplishing the Results. Monitoring reports are available on BoardDocs

Student Representatives

Two Student Representatives were added to the Board in 2022 in order to provide student voices to Board conversations. High school students are encouraged to apply. Board members interview students and select one representative from the east side and another from the west side to serve on the Board. Most students will serve two-year terms.

Legislative platform

The Board also advocates on behalf of the organization and its constituents. Each year the Board develops a legislative platform. This document outlines the board’s priorities for advocacy with state and local elected officials. View the LWSD legislative platform.