Forms Library
- Formas en Español
- 中文表格 (Forms in Chinese)
- 日本語でのフォーム (Forms in Japanese)
- формы на русском языке (Forms in Russian)
- Các hình thức ở Việt Nam (Forms in Vietnamese)
- Student Health
- Registration forms
- High School Credit
- Student Information
- Volunteering
- Other Forms
Formas en Español
- Aplicación de Preescolar
Application for Ready Start or Head Start Preschool Programs - Certificado del Estado de Vacunación
Certificate of Immunization - Certificado de Exención
Certificate of Exemption - Declaración de intención para proveer enseñanza en la casa
Declaration of Intent to Home School - Solicitud Para Recibir Comidas Gratuitas y de Precio Reducido
Application for free and reduced meals - Deportivas - Escuela Secundaria (Middle School Sports Forms)
- Autorización para Exámenes Físicos para los Deportes de la Escuela Secundaria (Middle School Athletics Forms)
- Hoja de Información Sobre Conmociones Cerebrales (Concussion Information Sheet)
- Hoja de Información Sobre Paro Cardíaco Súbito (Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Sheet)
- Código de Conducta en Actividades Deportivas LWSD (Athletic/Activities Conduct Code)
- Inscripción al Programa de Deportes Intramurales (Intramural Registration)
- Formulario de Solicitud de Exención de Pago de Participación en Deportes (Sports Participation Fee Waiver Request Form)
- Riesgos Inherentes (Liability Forms)
Bádminton (Badminton) | Baloncesto (Basketball)
Cross Country (Cross Country) | Fútbol (Soccer) | Tenis (Tennis)
Atletismo (Track and Field) | Voleibol (Volleyball) | Lucha Libre (Wrestling) - Seguro de Accidentes y Salud Estudiantil (Student Accident and Health Insurance - optional)
- Autorización para Exámenes Físicos para los Deportes de la Escuela Secundaria (Middle School Athletics Forms)
- Deportivas - Escuela Preparatoria (High School Sports Forms)
- Formulario de Historia Médica (Medical History Form)
- Exámenes Físicos de Pre-participación-Formulario de Evaluación Física (Physician Evaluation Form)
- Encuesta sobre el idioma que se habla en el hogar
Home Language Survey - Formulario de Alerta Para Enfermeros (Nurse Alert Form)
- Formulario de consentimiento informado de viaje de campo para padres/tutores
- Formulario de consentimiento informado de viaje de campo para padres/tutores - Primaria (Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission Slip - Elementary)
- Formulario de consentimiento informado de viaje de campo para padres/tutores - Secundaria (Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission Slip - Secondary)
- Formulario de inscripción para estudiantes (Student Registration Form)
- Informe de Progreso
Kinder | Primero | Segundo | Tercer | Cuarto | Quinto | Sexto - Notificación de emergencia
- Notificación de emergencia - Primaria (Emergency Information Card - Elementary)
- Notificación de emergencia - Secundaria (Emergency Information Card - Secondary)
- Voluntarios
- Instrucciones para Solicitud como voluntario (Volunteer Application & Instructions)
- Manual para los voluntarios (Volunteer Handbook)
- Solicitud para evitar divulgación de información de directorio (Directory Information Withhold Form)
- Solicitud para Evitar la Divulgación de Información de Directorio para Educación Militar & Superior (Military and Higher Education Withhold Form)
- Otras formas
- Formulario de ausencia preestablecido de primaria (Pre-Arranged Absence Form – Elementary)
- Formulario de ausencia preestablecido secundario (Pre-Arranged Absence Form – Secondary)
- Raza y etnia (Race & ethnicity form)
中文表格 (Forms in Chinese)
- 免疫注射状况证书
Certificate of Immunization - 用于宗教、个人、哲学及 医疗豁免
Certificate of Exemption - 防止公开姓名地址目录信息申请表
Directory Information Withhold Form - 紧急情况通知 - 小学
Emergency Form - Elementary - 紧急情况通知 - 初中
Emergency Form - Secondary - 家庭語言調查
Home Language Survey - 学生注册表
Student registration form
日本語でのフォーム (Forms in Japanese)
- ディレクトリ情報の非公開を希望する場合
Directory Information Withhold Form - 緊急時の連絡先-その1
Emergency Form - Elementary - 緊急時の連絡先 - その2
Emergency Form - Secondary - 世帯言語調査
Home Language Survey
формы на русском языке (Forms in Russian)
- Справка о ПРОИЗВЕДЁННЫХ Прививках х
Certificate of Immunization - Для освобождения по религиозным, личным, философским причинам и медицинским показаниям
Certificate of Exemption - Просьба о предотвращении раскрытия справочной информации
Directory Information Withhold Form - Уведомление в чрезвычайной ситуации - Начальные класс
Emergency Form - Elementary - Уведомление в чрезвычайной ситуации - Средние класс
Emergency Form - Secondary - Анкета для родителей о родном языке
Home Language Survey - Форма регистрации учащегося
Student Registration Form
Các hình thức ở Việt Nam (Forms in Vietnamese)
- Giấy Chứng Nhận về Tình Trạng Chích Ngừa
Certificate of Immunization - Dành cho các trường hợp Miễn tiêm chủng vì lý do Tôn giáo, Cá nhân, Triết lý và Y tế
Certificate of Exemption - Yêu Cầu Ngăn Chặn Tiết Lộ Thông Tin Danh Bạ
Directory Information Withhold Form - Thông Báo Khẩn Cấp - Tiểu Học
Emergency Form - Elementary - Thông Báo Khẩn Cấp - Cấp Hai
Emergency Form - Secondary - Khảo Sát về Ngôn Ngữ Dùng Tại Nhà
Home Language Survey
Student Health
Documents that provide information about medical conditions and care
The school district uses various forms to track important health information about students in the district. These forms provide information for school nurses that is critical to the safety, health and wellness of all students and staff.
Required forms
Before the student starts school
These documents must be completed and turned in to the school before the student can attend school:
- Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS): State law requires this record of the student's vaccinations.
- Certificate of Exemption (COE): Shows that your child is exempt from school, child care and preschool immunization requirements.
Translations: Chinese | Russian | Spanish | Vietnamese
Students with life-threatening allergies or conditions
Required forms that are specific to a student's illness must be completed before they can start school. Forms include:
- General Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- Allergy Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- Asthma Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- Cardiac Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- Diabetes low blood sugar Individual Health Plan (IHP)
- Seizure - Individual Health Plan (IHP)
Upon starting school
- These documents need to be turned in when the student begins school:
- Nurse alert form: The district nurses use the information from the Nurse Alert forms to plan for a student's health care while at school. Spanish translation
- If your child needs prescription or nonprescription medication during the school day, an Authorization to Administer Medication form must be completed (one form required per medication).
Optional Forms
- Authorization for release of records/information: Allows school nurses to contact student's health care provider about their care.
- LWSD discontinuation of medication: Required to remove a student from the exclusion list if they previously had emergency medications for seizures, allergies, asthma or any life-threatening condition.
- Seattle Children's Hospital release of information requests
Registration forms
New student registration is online. If printable forms are needed, please see below:
- Residency verification form (Spanish)
- LWSD race and ethnicity form
- If needed: Co-residency form (Spanish)
- If needed: Student housing questionnaire (Spanish)
- Student registration form:
English | Spanish | Chinese | Hindi | Portuguese | Tamil | Telugu - Certificate of Immunization Status (Spanish)
Certificate of Immunization Exemption Status - Nurse alert form (Spanish)
- Emergency notification card: Elementary OR Secondary
- Home language survey form:
- Other: Declaration of Intent to Provide Home School Instruction
High School Credit
Appendix A, Request to Waive Electives
Appendix B, Request for Credit for Equivalency Course of Study
Appendix C, Request for Acceptance of Out of District Credit
Appendix D, Request to Remove Credit for High School Courses Taken Before High School
Appendix E, Request for Excuse from Physical Education
Appendix F, Third Credit of High School Math
Appendix G, Alternatives to World Language Courses
Appendix H, Alternative to Art Course
Student Information
Other Forms
- Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying of Students Incident Reporting Form (3207F)
- Pre-Arranged Absence Form: Elementary | Secondary
- Public records request
To apply for free or reduced-price meals:
Depending on your family income and size, your student may qualify for free or reduced-price meals.
Preferred method:*
online application
- Please print the application* and information | aplicación* y información | aplicação* a informação
- Fill it out completely then submit application one of these ways:
- Scan and mail it to, or
- Return it to your child’s school office, or
- Drop it off at the Resource Center, 16250 NE 74th St., Redmond, WA, or
- Mail it to: Business Services, PO Box 97039, Redmond, WA 98052
*For applications in other languages, please go to the USDA Food and Nutrition Service website.
Additional benefits for families eligible for free or reduced-price meals:
Families that are eligible for free and reduced meals may also qualify to have fees for ASB cards, sports participation and other extracurricular activities waived by providing your consent to share eligibility information on the application. If you have already completed an application or are directly certified, please complete the Consent to Share Eligibility form (Spanish | Portuguese) and email it to
Note: Families that qualify for Basic Food/SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), TANF, FDPIR, Foster Care, Homeless, or Migrant through DSHS are automatically enrolled in the free lunch program as “Directly Certified.” Families that are Directly Certified do not need to complete a Free & Reduced meal application to be eligible for Free & Reduced meals. However, if you are Directly Certified, you must still “consent to share” your eligibility status in order to have fees waived for extracurricular activities including ASB fees/cards and sports participation fees. To do this, please complete the Consent to Share Eligibility form and email it to