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A majority of the members of the board present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the business of a regular meeting.  "Present" or "in attendance" is defined as either physically present or present via a telecommunication platform as described below.  When a quorum of three are present at any meeting, it shall be the practice to defer to another meeting any action which lacks unanimous concurrence.  Should there be less than three members of the board present at a regular meeting, a time for the adjourned meeting shall be set by the members present, and such adjourned meetings shall be deemed a regular meeting.  Adequate notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to the absentee members.


Board members are not required to be physically present to attend a board meeting. Any or all board members may attend a board meeting and vote via any communication platform including videoconference or teleconference-- that provides, at a minimum, simultaneous aural communication between those present.




Legal References:  
RCW 28A.320 Provisions applicable to all districts

RCW.28A.330.100 Additional powers of the Board

RCW 28A.343.390 Directors Quorum

RCW 28A 42.30 Open Public Meetings Act
