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Grievance Procedure:

Most complaints can best be resolved by informal discussions between the patron and the appropriate district staff member.

  1. The initial grievance should be made informally by the patron in an attempt to find a mutually satisfactory solution with the alleged offending employee or immediate supervisor. If directed to the immediate supervisor, the employee shall be involved in the informal process.
  2. If the complaint is not resolved informally, the supervisor shall provide copies of these policies and rules with attached forms. The patron may then direct to the supervisor a written statement (4220F) which explains the grievance, the alleged policy/regulation violated, and the suggested solution. Within ten school days after receiving the grievance, the supervisor shall arrange a conference to which persons who may contribute to a satisfactory solution may be invited by the supervisor and the patron. A written decision of the supervisor shall be sent to the patron within ten school days following the conference.
  3. If the decision of the supervisor is unsatisfactory to the patron, the grievance may be pursued by submitting the written statement of the grievance (4220F), and suggested solution to the Superintendent of the Lake Washington School District within ten school days of the receipt of the decision of the supervisor. Within ten school days after receiving such a grievance, the superintendent or designee shall investigate and then arrange a conference to which persons who may contribute to a satisfactory solution may be invited by the superintendent or designee and the patron. Following the investigation and conference, the superintendent or designee will communicate in writing his/her decision regarding resolution of the complaint. A written decision of the superintendent shall be sent to the patron within ten school days following the conference.
  4. All of the time-lines contained herein can be adjusted by the school district if the nature of the complaint or time of filing the grievance indicates that more time is needed for a complete investigation and processing of the grievance.
  5. If the superintendent/designee's decision is unsatisfactory to the patron, the patron may request a review of the superintendent's decision by the Board of Directors by submitting within ten school days the written statement of the grievance (4220F), the alleged policy/regulation violated and suggested solution. The appeal to the Board of Directors, however, is a discretionary review and the Board may or may not decide to accept the review of the superintendent's decision. The Board president shall determine the level of review. In either case, the Board will give its written decision within ten school days as to whether it will accept the decision by the superintendent for review. If the Board does accept the review of the superintendent's decision, the Board will then determine the review process. A written decision shall be sent to the patron within 30 school days following receipt of this request.
  6. A written record of all grievance proceedings shall be on file at the school or department where the written grievance was initiated.

* For purposes of this grievance/complaint procedures, the term "school day(s)" shall mean each day during the regular school year on which students are scheduled to attend school.






Adopted 09/01/19
