Monitoring CEO Performance

Policy type: Board/CEO Relationship
Policy code: B/CR-5

The Board will view CEO performance as being identical to organizational performance. CEO job performance will be monitored systematically against the only CEO job expectations: reasonable progress toward organizational accomplishment of the Board’s Ends policies, and organizational operation within the boundaries established in the Board’s Executive Limitations policies.


  1. Monitoring determines the degree to which board policies are being met. Information that does not contribute directly to this purpose is not considered monitoring data.
  2. The Board will acquire monitoring data on Ends and Executive Limitations policies by one or more of three methods:
    1. By internal report, in which the CEO discloses information and certifies compliance to the Board;
    2. By external report, in which an external, disinterested third party selected by the Board assesses compliance with Board policies;
    3. By direct Board inspection, in which the whole Board formally assesses compliance with the appropriate policy criteria.
  3. The consistent standard for compliance for Executive Limitations policies shall be whether the CEO has reasonably interpreted and acted within the scope of the Board policy being monitored. For Ends policies, the standard shall be whether the CEO has reasonably interpreted and whether reasonable progress is being made toward achieving the Board’s described results. The Board will make the final determination as to whether CEO interpretation is reasonable, whether the CEO is in compliance and whether reasonable progress is being made.
  4. All policies that instruct the CEO will be monitored on schedule and by a method chosen by the Board. The Board may monitor any policy at any time by any method, but as a rule will depend upon the following schedule and method:
    Executive Limitations PolicyMethodFrequency
    EL-1 Global Executive Constraint
    EL-2 Emergency CEO Succession
    EL-3 Communication and Counsel to the Board
    EL-4 Annual Report to the Public
    EL-5 Treatment of Parents and Citizens
    EL-6 Student Learning Environment
    EL-7 Instructional Program
    EL-8 Instructional Materials Selection
    EL-9 District Calendar
    EL-10 Student Discipline
    EL-11 Staff Treatment
    EL-12 Staff Compensation
    EL-13 Staff Evaluation
    EL-14 Budgeting/Financial Planning
    EL-15 Financial Administration
    EL-16 Asset Protection
    EL-17 Facilities
    EL-18 Technology
  5. Annually, the Board will conduct a formal summative evaluation of the CEO. The summative evaluation will be based upon data collected during the year from the monitoring of Board policies on Ends and Executive Limitations. The Board will prepare a written evaluation document. The CEO and the Board will review the document in executive session.

    The evaluation document will consist of:
    1. A summary of the data derived during the year from monitoring the Board’s policies on Ends and Executive Limitations;
    2. Conclusions based upon the Board’s prior action during the year relative to whether each End has been achieved or whether reasonable progress has been made toward its achievement;
    3. Conclusions based upon the Board’s prior action during the year relative to whether the CEO has reasonably interpreted and operated properly within the boundaries established by the Executive Limitations policies;
    4. A summary of the CEO’s strengths and weaknesses relative to achievement of the Ends policies and operation within the boundaries established in the Executive Limitations policies.

Nothing in this policy is intended to imply the establishment of any personal rights not explicitly established by statute, contract or Board policy. All employment decisions related to the CEO remain the sole discretion of the Board.



Monitoring Method: Board self-assessment
Monitoring Frequency: Annually

Lake Washington School District Board of Directors

LWSD Superintendent and two board members during board meeting