Delegation to the CEO

Policy type: Board/CEO Relationship
Policy code: B/CR-4

The Board will instruct the CEO through written policies that prescribe the organizational ends to be achieved and describe organizational conditions and actions to be avoided. The Board will support any reasonable interpretation of those policies by the CEO.


  1. The Board will develop policies instructing the CEO to achieve defined end results for identified recipients at a specified cost. These policies will be developed systematically from the broadest, most general level to more defined levels, and will be called Ends policies.
  2. The Board will develop policies which limit the latitude the CEO may exercise in choosing the organizational means to achieve the ends. These policies will be developed systematically from the broadest, most general level to more defined levels, and they will be called Executive Limitations policies.
  3. As long as the CEO uses any reasonable interpretation of the Board’s Executive Limitations policies, the CEO is authorized to establish administrative policies, make decisions, establish practices and develop activities the CEO deems appropriate to achieve the Board’s Ends policies.
  4. The Board may change its Ends and Executive Limitations policies at any time, thereby shifting the boundary between Board and CEO domains. By doing so, the Board changes the latitude of choice given to the CEO.
  5. The Board will endeavor to create policies such that any reasonable interpretation of them would be acceptable, but the Board will make the final determination of whether the CEO is in compliance with Board policies. The totality of monitoring reports, as commented on and approved by the Board, should accurately reflect the Board's collective opinion regarding CEO performance.



Monitoring Method: Board self-assessment
Monitoring Frequency: Annually

Lake Washington School District Board of Directors

LWSD Superintendent and two board members during board meeting