Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

File: IGB-R: Special Education, Cont.

The district will apply annually for Federal Part B and state special education funding to assist in the provision of special education and any necessary related services. This funding is in addition to students’ basic education funding and state special education funding.

The superintendent, or designee, shall annually determine whether to use Early Intervening Services (EIS) funding for students who have not been identified as needing special education or related services, but who need additional academic and behavioral support to succeed in a general education environment.

The district will annually report to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) the number of students receiving EIS, and the number of students who received EIS and subsequently received special education and related services under Part B of IDEA during the preceding two-year period.

Services to eligible special education students’ age three to 21 will be provided without charge to the student. This does not include incidental fees that are normally charged to all students. Special education services will include preschool, elementary and secondary education and are provided in conformance with a student’s Individual Education Program (IEP).

The district provides a continuum of services for students, regardless of the funding source. Where the district is unable to provide all or part of the special education or necessary related services, it will make arrangements through contracts with other public or non-public sources, inter-district agreements or interagency coordination.

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